Interview with Amir Payam
BBC Persian, Hard Talk, October 19, 2021, an interview with Amir Payam from the program “Hard Talk” on the occasion of receiving the 2020 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize from the Institute of…
BBC Persian, Hard Talk, October 19, 2021, an interview with Amir Payam from the program “Hard Talk” on the occasion of receiving the 2020 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize from the Institute of…
Harvard Iranian Clubhouse, July 31, 2021, a Clubhouse chat on my research activities. YouTube link:
New Scientist, July 22, 2020, an article by Anna Demming entitled “Why old school technology could shape the future of digital computing,” which features our Science article on “Inverse-designed Metastructures that solve equation”,
SPIE, July 1, 2020, an article by Neil Savage entitled “Computing and Optics Team up Over Metasurfaces,” which include discussion about our Science article on “Inverse-designed Metastructures that solve equation”,
Optics and Photonics News (OPN), Our work on “Solving Equations with Metamaterials” was selected as one of the highlights of optics in 2019 (OPN: Vol. 30, No. 12, p. 50, 2019.). This…
Physics Today, June 1, 2019, an article by Christine Middleton entitled “A Metamaterial Solves Integral Equation” about our Scince article on “Inverse-designed Metastructures that solve equation”, Physics Today, 72, 6, 22 (2019):