The list of book chapters, published in different books.  The list is in reverse chronological order.

I. Liberal and N. Engheta, “Near-Zero-Index Metastructures”, Chapter 7 of the book entitled “Plasmonic Materials and Metastructures: Fundamentals, Current Status, and Perspectivesedited by Shangjr (Felix) Gwo, Andrea Alù, Yu-Jung Lu, Xiaoqin (Elaine) Li & Chih-Kang (Ken) Shih, publishing company: Elsevier, published September 13, 2023.

G. Castaldi, V. Galdi, A. Alu, and N. Engheta, “Transformation-based Cloak/Anti-Cloak Interactions: A Review,” a chapter in “Transformation Electromagnetics and Metamaterials: Fundamental Principles and Applications,” edited by D. H. Werner and D.-H. Kwon, Springer-Verlag, London (2014), chapter 6, pp. 167-190, 2014.

A. Alu and N. Engheta, “Optical Antenna Theory, Design and Applications,” a chapter in Optical Antennas, Mario Agio and Andrea Alu (Editors), Cambridge University Press, Chapter 2, pp. 11-25, 2013.

A. Alu and N. Engheta, “Plasmonic Cloaking:  Scattering Cancellation without Isolation,” a chapter in Introduction to Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals, Antonello Andreone, Andrea Cusano, Antonello Cutolo, Vincenzo Galdi (Editors), World Scientific, Chapter 9, pp. 263-283, 2011.   

A. Alu and N. Engheta, “Optical Wave Interaction with Two-Dimensional Arrays of Plasmonic Nanoparticles,” a chapter in Structured Surfaces as Optical Metamaterials, Chapter 3, pp. 58-93, Alexei A. Maradudin (Editor), Cambridge University Press, 2011.

A. Alu and N. Engheta, “Microwave Metamaterials:  Selected Features and Sample Applications,” chapter 3 in Tutorials in Metamaterials, M. Noginov and V. Podolskiy (Editors), CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group LLC publisher, pp. 59-84, 2012.

A. Alu and N. Engheta, “Plasmonic Cloaks,” a chapter in the Metamaterials and Plasmonics:  Fundamentals, Modelling, and Applications,  Proceedings of the META’08 Meeting in Marrakech — NATO Advanced Research Workshop, S. Zouhdi, A. Vinogradov, and A. Sihvola, Guest Editors,  Springer, NATO Science Series, pp. 37-47, 2009.

A. Alu and N. Engheta, “Scattering Cancellation and Plasmonic Cloaking,” chapter 7-1, in the Metamaterials Handbook on Applications of Metamaterials, Edited by F. Capolino, Metamorphose Program, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, publisher, pp. 7-1 till 7-19, 2009.

A. Alu, and N. Engheta, “Negative Refraction in the IR and Visible Domains,” chapter 23-1 in the Metamaterials Handbook on Theory and Phenomena of Metamaterials, edited by F. Capolino, Metamorphose Program, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, pp. 23-1 till 23-28, 2009.

L. Vegni, F. Bilotti, A. Alu, and N. Engheta, “Applications of Metamaterials to Microwave Patch and Leaky-Wave Antennas,” chapter 18-1 in the Metamaterials Handbook on Applications of Metamaterials, Edited by F. Capolino, Metamorphose Program, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, publisher, pp. 18-1 till 18-14, 2009.

J. McVay, N. Engheta, A. Hoorfar, “Space-Filling- Curve High-Impedance Ground Planes“ chapter 14 in Metamaterials: Physics and Engineering Explorations, IEEE Press, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., N. Engheta and R. W. Ziolkowski (eds.), pp. 377-402, in June 2006.

N. Engheta, A. Alu, R. W. Ziolkowski, and A. Erontok, “Fundamentals of Waveguides and Antenna Applications involving Double-Negative (DNG) and Single-Negative (SNG) Metamaterials“ chapter 2 in Metamaterials: Physics and Engineering Explorations, IEEE Press, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N. Engheta and R. W. Ziolkowski (eds.), pp. 43-85, June 2006.

R. W. Ziolkowski and N. Engheta, “Introduction, History and Fundamental Theories of Double- Negative (DNG) Metamaterials“ chapter 1 in Metamaterials: Physics and Engineering Explorations, IEEE Press, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N. Engheta and R. W. Ziolkowski (eds.), pp. 5-41, June 2006.

A. Alu, F. Bilotti, N. Engheta, and L. Vegni, “A Review on the Potential Use of Metamaterial Layers for Increasing the Transmission through a Single Sub- Wavelength Aperture in a Flat Opaque Screen,” a chapter in the book on Periodic Structures edited by M. Bozzi and L. Perregrini, chapter 10 (21 pages), Research Signpost, 37/661(2), Fort P. O. Trivandrum- 695-023, Kerala, India, pp. 271-291, 2006.

A. Alu, F. Bilotti, N. Engheta, and L. Vegni,  “Employing Metamaterial Layers to Increase Wave Transmission through a Sub-Wavelength Hole in a Flat Perfectly Conducting Screen,” a chapter in the book entitled “New Frontiers in Radiation and Guidance Phenomena: A Tribute to Arthur Oliner,” from a Workshop Honoring Professor Arthur Oliner at the Occasion of Receiving Honorary Laura Degree from Universita’ di Roma “La Sapienza”, (F. Frezza and P. Lampariello, eds), pp. 121-128, Edizioni Borgia, 2007.

F. Bilotti, A. Alu, N. Engheta, and L. Vegni, “Anomalous Scattering Properties from Cavities Partially Loaded with Double-Negative or Single- Negative Metamaterials“ a chapter in Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER) Monograph Series, Special Volume on Metamaterials, T. Grzegorczyk and J. A. Kong (eds.), Vol. PIER 51, pp. 49-63, 2005,

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A. Alu and N. Engheta, “An Overview of Salient Properties of Planar Guided-Wave Structures with Double-Negative (DNG) and Single-Negative (SNG) Layers,” a chapter in the book entitled Negative- Refraction Metamaterials: Fundamental Principles and Applications (G. V. Eleftheriades and K. G. Balmain, editors), IEEE Press, John Wiley and Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ, ch. 9, pp. 339-380, 2005.

N. Bliznyuk, N. Engheta, and A. Hoorfar, “An Efficient Hybrid Computational Technique for Certain Scattering and Radiation Problems in Layered Media,” in the book of proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 13-page chapter.

N. Engheta, “Ideas for Potential Applications of Metamaterials with Negative Permittivity and Permeability,” a chapter in the book entitled Advances in Electromagnetics of Complex Media and Metamaterials, NATO Science Series, the Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop in Marrakech (Bianisotropics’2002), (S. Zouhdi, A. H. Sihvola, and M. Arsalane, editors), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Inc., pp. 19-37, 2002.

N. Engheta, “Fractional Paradigm in Electromagnetic Theory,” a chapter in Frontiers in Electromagnetics, D. H. Werner and R. Mittra (eds.), IEEE Press, chapter 12, pp. 523-552, 2000.

M. P. Rowe, N. Engheta, J. M. Corless, and E. N. Pugh, Jr., “Refractive Index Gradient in Sunfish Cones,” a chapter in Basic and Clinical Applications of Vision Science, The Professor Jay M. Enoch Festschrift Volume, (Documenta Ophthalmologica Proceedings Series 60), V. Lakshminarayanan (ed.), pp. 51-55, 1997.

N. Engheta, “Use of Fractional Integration to Propose Some “Fractional” Solutions for the Scalar Helmholtz Equation,” a chapter in Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER) Monograph Series Vol. 12 , Jin A. Kong (ed.), pp. 107-132, 1996.

H. N. Kritikos, N. Engheta, and D. L. Jaggard, “Symmetry in Electromagnetic Media: A Spino Viewpoint,” a chapter in Electromagnetic Symmetry, C. E. Baum and H. N. Kritikos (eds.), Taylor and Francis Pub. Co., Washington, D.C., May 1995, ch. 4, pp. 185-229.

P. Pelet and N. Engheta, “Theoretical Study of Radiation Properties of Finite-Length Thin-Wire Chirostrip Antenna Using Dyadic Green’s Function and Method of Moments” a chapter in Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER) Monograph Series, Vol. 9 on Bianisotropic and Bi-Isotropic Media and Applications, Alain Priou (ed.), December 1994, ch. 12, pp. 265-288.

M. M. I. Saadoun and N. Engheta, “Theoretical Study of Electromagnetic Properties of Non-Local W Media” a chapter in Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER) Monograph Series, Vol. 9 on Bianisotropic and Bi-Isotropic Media and Applications, Alain Priou (ed.), December 1994, ch. 15, pp. 351-397.

F. Mariotte, P. Pelet, and N. Engheta, “A Review of Recent Study of Guided Waves in Chiral Media,” a chapter in Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER) Monograph Series, Vol. 9 on Bianisotropic and Bi-Isotropic Media and Applications, Alain Priou (ed.), December 1994, ch. 14, pp. 311-350.

D. L. Jaggard and N. Engheta, “Chirality in Electrodynamics: Modeling and Applications” a chapter in the book entitled “Directions in Electromagnetic Wave Modeling“, Edited by Henry L. Bertoni and Leopold B. Felsen, Plenum Publishing Corporation, pp. 485-493, 1991.

N. Engheta and C. H. Papas, “Ambartsumian’s Principle of Invariance and the Reflection of Radio Waves from Plane Inhomogeneous Slabs” a chapter in the book on “Principle of Invariance and Its Applications” editors: M. A. Mnatsakanian and H. V. Pickichian, Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, 1989, pp. 348-361.  This chapter is a reprint of the original article by N. Engheta and C. H. Papas published in Applied Physics (Springer- Verlag), B30, pp. 183-188, May 1983.  The above book is the Proceedings of the Symposium held in Byurakan, Yerevan, USSR on October 26-30 1981, devoted to the 40th anniversary of the Principle of Invariance Introduction to the Radiation Transfer Theory, Academy of Sciences of Armenian SSR.

N. Engheta, “An Overview of The Theory of The Near-Zone Doppler Effect” a chapter in the book “Recent Advances in Electromagnetic Researcheditors: H. N. Kritikos and D. L. Jaggard, Springer- Verlag, September 1990, ch. 3, pp. 56-73.